Articles, Tips & Tools for an abundant life


We believe when you practice both ease and strength, not only does it keep things interesting but you will fall in love with moving your body!.





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Movement Studio

after treatment


The 24 hours after any sort of manual therapy session is crucial for the trajectory of your healing and recovery of your pain or injury. We all know it feels great to get a treatment but you also wanting to be getting the most bang for your buck so you walk our feeling better and […]

What do after a treatment to get maximum results

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relieve constipation


Let’s get comfortable talking about how uncomfortable it is when you are bound up. Firstly, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, just about everyone has experienced the discomfort of constipation at some point. Secondly, there are many causes for constipation, and it is important to investigate that with your GP/naturopath/trusted health care practitioner! In the […]

4 exercises to relieve constipation!

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returning to yoga


Over the past few months yoga studios have been reopening, gyms have been reopening and the fitness world is beginning to rebuild after an extended (and potentially much needed) break! As you return to the studio, you might notice you move a little differently. Maybe you’ve lost some strength, maybe you’re a bit stiffer and […]

Returning to the Yoga Studio

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Don’t you hate it when you’ve been tired all day long, only to find when your head hits the pillow, you’re wide awake? It’s a common tale. There are many things that may contribute to this feeling but one of them is SLEEP HYGIENE. Clean sleep? What does that mean? Well, sleep hygiene is all […]

5 Quick and Easy Ways to Improve Sleep Hygiene (Part 1)

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HOW you move ALL the time matters, I would even go as far as saying it matters more than the class you do once or twice per week. Our bodies are so adaptable if we give it the right environment and create good movement habits. So start with these 7 tips and get really good […]

7 Ways to be a better mover that’s not “Exercise”.

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By Dr Fauntine Lariba (Osteopath) Multitasking is a brilliant way to achieve a number of tasks in a short amount of time, furthermore doing one thing at a time is not always practically feasible. However, constantly pushing for efficiency can end up being stressful and exhausting, inviting us to consider ‘is there a place for […]

Multitasking, priorities and managing stress

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neck stretch


By Dr Fauntine Lariba (Osteopath) Stretching** a rigid or sore part of the body is quite an instinctive action. We can find ourselves stretching as a conscious behaviour or as a subconscious habit. However stretching is not always appropriate and can be counterproductive or even harmful at times. Below are four instances when stretching is […]

It ‘just needs a stretch’…

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push up


Firstly, body weight exercise is not just for beginners but it is certainly a good place to start! It is gives you the opportunity to develop strength & mobility in the body. Doing body weight strength work at home gives you the ability to SCALE to your own ability so you can improve with consistency. […]

Body weight exercise for beginners

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We are well into our lockdown period here in Victoria, and most of us are missing the luxury of being spontaneous! Being able to just decide to go out for dinner, book a weekend away or go visit a friend out of the blue was so freeing. Some health benefits of spontaneity include: Keeps your […]

How to be spontaneous during COVID

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overuse injury


By Dr Fauntine Lariba (Osteopath) Overuse injuries (RSI) are common and can present in various ways. Often relative rest is required but how can we stop overuse injuries from recurring after the restful period? To answer this we need to have a look at movement patterns and habits. Building skills & solving problems Every day […]

Overuse injuries (RSI)

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Farm-to-table jianbing kickstarter, mixtape taxidermy actually scenester. Asymmetrical tattooed locavore meggings YOLO organic pabst forage.

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