Let’s get comfortable talking about how uncomfortable it is when you are bound up.
Firstly, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, just about everyone has experienced the discomfort of constipation at some point. Secondly, there are many causes for constipation, and it is important to investigate that with your GP/naturopath/trusted health care practitioner!
In the mean time, we recommend trying to the following gentle exercises to help get things movement naturally.
– Stretch around the front of the hip by placing a knee on the floor (use a cushion for your knee if needed) and the opposite foot straight ahead
– Gently move your hips forward, placing the weight into the heel of the front foot, stopping when you feel a stretch in the front of the hip on the kneeling knee side.
– Set up the same as before except instead of the placing the foot directly in front, move it to the side as far as comfortable
– Move your weight into the heel, shifting your hips sideways
– Stopping when you feel the stretch in the inner thighs and groin
The goal of this squat is to open up and relax the colon. This is our bodies natural pooping posture before we started sitting on fancy toilets. Your body will naturally relax and open up.
Option 1: Supported squat
– Using the wall or a rail/door frame for support
Option 2: No support
Try holding the position for 1 minute or longer
We hope you find these gentle exercises a helpful place to start helping your self at home. You can do them as often as you like, remember to stay hydrated and seek the advise of your health care practitioner if your symptoms don’t improve.
email: hello@thealife.com.au
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That is really great info. Thanks Ange. We all need this at some time or other !,